Well after about 10 years of this running after new revelation (we had a huge box of tapes with personal prophecies!). After leaving there because of the control issues (we did not notice the theology was twisted because we were deceived) we continued on in the prophetic circles including attending Bill Hamon’s church when we were able to travel there and reading everything we could from all the big NAR’s. This was our first experience with the prophetic movement and we were drawn in by it. This church was heavy Dominionist and were really into the sheperding thing so that they knew everything about everyone and would use it as a form of control. We began attending a non-denominational church which would turn out to be one of many disastrous church experiences. After my husband and I were married (he grew up Baptist) we began searching for something deeper ( I think that is how you get sucked into Latter Rain etc., you feel like there just has to be something more, sadly the Word of God is not enough). I grew up in the Assembly of God church, one that did not teach Latter Rain/Dominion poison. Coming out of both I feel confident in saying so. “I wanted to share with you why I feel that the Hebrew Roots Movement & Sacred Name Movement is just as dangerous as the The Latter Rain Doctrine. I would really like to thank the lady who wrote up her first-hand experience with the Hebrew Roots Movement & Sacred Name Movement here for us so we could benefit. The Hebrew Roots Movement & Sacred Name Movement Hebrew Roots/Messianic Christian Zionism Warning